Bob dole orignal gangster *cheesy crowd laugh*
Maury: When it comes to number one in score, live from bob doel night leuigve!!!!
Cereal: oh what a great show we have tonight guys, lets get to the first skit, created by our over paid writers that steal ideas from crack whores in fag market
It was hard to watch my fat stomach was in the way, I had to pushit down, but lifting my arms made me out of breath, I tryed again to lift my piggy arms to the voting panel to vote 5 but I accidentally voted 4. I noticed I missed a blam after thinking of hours to make this review, I put a gun to my head and contemplated suicide, but then I thought about all the days I would miss depositng, so I put it down
I think the first thing that caught my attention with this was the way you presented it, it looked good, it sounded good, and oh boy did it PLAY good!
I see you used Ragnorak in this so that lowers the originality a little the fact that you used something already created.. but I have never played ragnorak so this was a whole new thing for me.
Graphics were very impressive, they didn't look MS painted they had a somewhat 'water paint look', the grass looked like strokes of green paint painted on a canvas and the look of it seemed very artistic to me. I may be reading too much into this, but the graphics style really interested me, the painted look was the first thing that really stood out in the flash for me and it is different I'll give you that. All in all good graphics all from the blades of the grass to the swinging of your character's weapon :)
Sound: Not much to say here, suited the mood of the environment you were in well for example that slow dramatic music as you started off in the game, moving through the grass. The usual stuff, but only a small part in the game's overall excellence because you pretty much ignore the sound when you get engrossed in the gameplay.
Ah, the gameplay. My favourite element in the game. All those little extras from those interesting graphics and effects from the movement of the cute little bouncing movement of some of those enemies mould together to create one big hunk of a game. A noticeable feature in the gameplay was the movement of your character, instead of just using a spacebar button to tap and directional buttons to press we used the mouse as means of moving around. I have to say that this was very effective because not only did it give us more control over the character but it made us feel more involved and engrossed in the game; instead of just walking up to your enemy and pressing a button in a tedious manner you used your mouse to activate items you had collected, and had to successfully click on the enemy from a close distance while it was moving which imitates the 'aiming' at your enemy with a sword. This made slashing your enemies to bits with a sword (a part of the game which I particularly enjoyed) much more fun. Not only this, but also it is the interactivity and involvement of the game which really impressed me; all from being able to choose which weapon to use and customising your own character and balancing out your skills. Selecting your own method of doing the game makes you feel much more like you're actually IN it.
The only thing I would suggest is that the text is a little too small to read and I found it pretty hard to move around the map at first because I wasn't sure where to go, but that quickly was forgotten. The movement at times is also a little jerky so you may want to sort that out, and I suggest that you should be able to move diagonally also.
Overall though, what is there to say? A fantastic, and most importantly enjoyable game which has excellent replay value. You could complete the game many times and still not use the same weapons in exactly the same order. Well done indeed!